Growing your own green

9.59 am -- Commentary: Legislature introduces bill to keep Iowa’s energy dollars in-state "...Iowa ranks third nationally — trailing only Texas and California — in installed wind capacity...The result is...

Renewables: States move forward, Congress stands still

9.40 am -- While Congress is dithering if not deadlocked, over a comprehensive national energy policy, States are where the action is, and it’s proving to be popular "... Some...

Farming hardwoods in Oregon

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Geothermal HVAC: Do they work? Are they right for your home or business?

Geothermal HVAC: Do they work? Are they right for your home or business?

UPDATE: Infrastructure for oil and gas transport, Obama’s call

Looks like the State Dept. was right. In the controversy over permitting the KeystoneXL pipeline, the State Dept. gave preliminary approval, the EPA disagreed and now it's Obama's call....

Green mechanic finder -- The good news is I ran across this directory for green auto repair shops. The bad news is that the highest rated shop near my home gets...

Los Angeles bus fleet goes natural on gas

EPA report complicates fracking debate

Fracking: The view from British Petroleum

There are good and bad things to be found in British Petroleum's summary report on its fracking operations. For example, their internal audits of ethane and methane emissions show...

Theresa Sheets, AJL, MPSC

Theresa Sheets hears disputes between property owners and the agency. The Administrative Law Judge previously worked for Loomis, Ewert, Parsley, Davis & Gotting a firm "... widely recognized for...