The Ties that Bind

©Scott Sines That is my old friend John Burnett and I during a trip to Amarillo a long time ago. He was in town last night with his wonderful lady...

Young Conservatism meets Old Liberalism

©Scott Sines This whole kid in the MAGA hat argument is making me sick to my stomach. There are so many ambiguities and vagaries that we really don't know what...

Trump to Visit Rio Grande Valley

The McAllen Monitor has been the voice of the Rio Grande Valley since at least 1980. I used to know a bunch of people there and I've worked out...

Ruby Ridge redux

©Scott Sines I've been sitting on this comment for a while. Just like I'm sure Chris Peck, Peggy Kuhr, Neal Pattison, Bill Morlin, Dianna Dawson, Colin Mulvany, Jesse Tinsley, Anne...

The Sugar House Gang

By Scott Sines The Sugar House Gang was a mob of mostly Jewish street toughs, bootleggers and hijackers. They began as a street gang terrorizing local merchants. When Prohibition started...

Goodbye Aretha Franklin

©Scott Sines So I spent an hour or so at Aretha's birthplace this morning. My thought was that the initial wave of grief had washed over most people and there...

Living on the Line, Marshall, MI

Scott Sines, ©Green Rocket News Craig Ritter marches through chest high reeds toward ground zero of the largest inland oil spill in U.S. history. Suddenly he sinks calf-deep in an...

‘Hate is a powerful word’

Scott Sines, ©The Green Rocket News Carol and Tom Brimhall have a long history with Enbridge. None of it good. "Hate is a powerful four letter word. Hate is not a...

A man of the people

Bennie wins again ©Scott Sines — Bernardo Eureste was a firebrand and a flameout. Four times he was elected by residents of the poorest district in San Antonio to represent...

The locals are getting restless

By Scott Sines Environmental issues are moving from "activists only" issues to community concerns. The usual "green suspects" have been howling for years about the dangers of new extraction...