The grocery store

The neighborhood.
The neighborhood.

©Scott Sines
Judging by a quick trip to the store you’d never know there were any angry voters in my neighborhood. Yet after the New Hampshire primaries the narrative has turned to who can capture the most angry voters. Like it or not that’s where we are.

Bernie Sanders is madder than hell and Donald Trump is madder than Bernie Sanders. A recent Reuters/Ipsos poll shows over 70% of likely voters think the country is on the wrong track. They make up a majority of the support bases for both candidates. Trump gets 87% of the angrys and Sanders 54%.

If you’re interested in the whole angry voter thing this Washington Post backgrounder has a ton of good links.

If you’re interested in the possibility of Sanders and Trump splitting the angry voter vote this is a good piece from Reuters.

If you’re interested in some Third Party Candidates The Grist had some fun with it.