KaleEating meatless on Monday’s during a long winter can test a guy’s endurance and commitment. After all you can still grill a tasty burger in freezing cold. In the South they make a big deal out of greens, mostly because they’re cheap, and greens will grow in weather no self-respecting tomato would endure. That aside, this cook has deep seated issues with cooked greens. They look like lawn clippings that have been left in a black plastic bag in the sun for too long. Cooked cabbage smells like that too. All of that being said, this recipe from Martha Stewart is worth making.
The Kale has a really peppery taste, so you can work off that with other peppery condiments. Always season to taste. We used fresh mushrooms, under-estimated how many we needed, added some canned ones and they were fine. Don’t be surprised by how many greens you have in the pan when you start because they cook way down yet retain a kind of crunchy texture. With the greens in the pan, you make little indents in the greens and drop in the eggs. My egg yoke was runny and ran all through the Kale which was great but you can cook the eggs however you like them. We really recommend the Sage Chili Butter sauce. It’s spicy but hey… here’s that link again.