Sunrise over a frosted field along M66 just north of Battle Creek, MI.
Sunrise over a frosted field along M66 just north of Battle Creek, MI.
Poverty has inflicted stunning damage on the Mid-South. The region has the highest rates of poverty, obesity, diabetes and food stress in the country. Nutrition has never been a part of the culture here and southern cooking has never been known for its health benefits. Energy extraction, transportation and health-care related businesses are the fastest growing employers. Yet our region’s news organizations have lost their capacity to provide understanding of the forces shaping the lives of people who live here.

Our communities need The Green Rocket, a source of news reports contributed and commissioned from around our region focusing on environmental and public health in the Mid-South. Research from the goodpurpose® study and other other market data indicates most Americans support environmentally responsible businesses and a clean environment. On neighborhood levels, we use our rakes, shovels and wallets to support all manner of green and sustainable efforts.

The Green Rocket News is a digital publishing co-operative dedicated to improving environmental and public health in the Mid-South. We will tell those stories. Cont’d