Young Conservatism meets Old Liberalism


©Scott Sines
This whole kid in the MAGA hat argument is making me sick to my stomach. There are so many ambiguities and vagaries that we really don’t know what happened or what was in the heads of the people involved. So we retreat to our tribal strongholds and ascribe terrible motives to the “other side.” Trump’s crudeness has enabled the worst in us to come forward. Activists is a swear word when the activist in question is advocating for a cause we don’t like, but activists are saintly when they are working for causes we favor.

The “Media” is a bunch of mind control “New World Order” liberals unless it’s Fox News which happens to be the largest cable news network with more viewers than CNN and MSNBC combined. This whole idea that “they only tell us what they want us to believe” is total bullshit. For one the “Media” are not organized enough to pull off something like that, two they could never agree on what they want us to believe and three they don’t have the resources. What the “Media” haters don’t realize is that the only thing the “Media” owners care about is making money and there is no money in liberal causes.

We have a school that sent students to participate in a rally that supported the school’s values. All good except the school obviously didn’t prepare the students for what they might encounter. The school should have known that the MAGA hats would invite confrontation. They should have known that they would encounter pro-choice protesters at a right to life rally. The women’s march was anything but a secret. The fact that the Black Israelites and Native Americans were also protesting on the same day is nothing but a lesson for the students in exercising their First Amendment rights. It was a learning opportunity missed.

So we’re left with a photograph of a teenager in a politically charged hat smirking in the face of an older Native American man, who is also a veteran. The ugly comments roll in, and none of it moves us forward. It’s just sickening.